Presenting Code Garage
We all (The Programmers) write handy tools and other hell things that can make our life easier (or harder). We don’t mind it sharing it with others. They are tiny apps/utilities created just for fun or some serious job, made in free time when some idea strikes you.
With the idea of sharing those utilities and source code, here I am presenting Code Garage. Here you can download the applications or use the Source Code, in a way you want.
Oh! yes it does comes with a license, its WTFPL.
What is that??
WTFPL : Do What The Fuck You Want Public License. (here is original link )
Seriously, What’s that?
Well, here is how it binds you:
DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar 14 rue de Plaisance, 75014 Paris, France Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.
In Summary: You can do whatever you want, you are FREE!
Q: Can I do that?
A: yes, you can
Q: And that?
A: duh! Yes 🙂
Q: Can I add my code here?
A: Yes you can, though I would like to see an entire your own blog dedicated to that. but, still if you want you are welcome, just send me an email
Last Word: I hold no liabilities, if you happen to use any code/utilities from here and something bad happens to you, including any loss incurred in any form. That means I am free too from any liabilities, you can’t sue me in anyway.
Said that, here is a list of the utilities/source code etc that I have uploaded and published plus those that I plan to upload:
- Alarm
- Processviewer
- BookStore
- CDStore
- VinkrIt gadget
- BSoD
- A-Z
- Search Plugin
- DNS Query
- Desktop Shock
- batch & Regs
- Desktop Draw
- Chronometer
- Search Gadget
- Pagination Extension
- Crazy drive
- MOaB
- Keyboard logger
- xKernel
- TCP Socket demo for unix
- basic java car anim
- Expense Reporter
Yeah! it covers lamest things, I happen to write.
Still have questions?
Nice move! 🙂
Thanks for shranig. Always good to find a real expert.
looking to learn some windows things here,well done boss
looking to learn some windows things here,well done boss